

  Current Location: India

  •  Geologist
  • Profile Created Date:29 Mar 2020


1.Responsibility includes the preparation of various types of thematic maps   such as Drainage, land use/ land cover, geomorphological and geological maps using Toposheets, imageries and with the help of various software ( Arc.GIS & Erdas )

2.  Based on these maps collection of samples and generation of data.

3.  Sampling of soil profile with the identification of various soil horizons and Preparation of lithologs.

4.  Compilation of data and updating of various types of thematic maps, using the entire field as well as prefield data and softwares.

5.  Creating daily and monthly working report as well as timetable for project deadline.

6.  Interpretation and analysis of data.



1.  Includes sampling of limestone from surface and stream sections with preparation of stream

 Section logs.

2.Marked the contact of different lithologies by tracing, and plotting on the maps.

3.Auditing of core logs, preparation of logs their correlation based on the drilling data for further interpretation.

4.Petro graphical study of the limestone section and rock specimen, determination of the specific gravity.

5.Compilation and updating of maps with the help of post field data, laboratory data and borehole   


6.Estimation of reserves using data and maps.

Interpretation and analysis of data as well as preparation of geochemical maps based on percentage of various elements (CaO, MgO, SiO2 etc.) and 3D terrain model using  Surfer Software

Monitoring of Ambient air quality, Stack emissions, Work zone air quality, Source monitoring &     Control.
2. Monitoring of Water, Waste water, Pollution source identification & Control process
3. Environmental audit, Industrial risk assessment & Risk Management & Hazardous waste     management
4. Monitoring of Soil quality, Noise level, Solid waste or Sludge quality.
5. EIA/EMP including Environmental Data Generation

Nationality : India

Residential country : india

Date of birth : 18-06-1978

Address : 68, Bhavna nagar Gram Limbodi Khandwa naka, khandwa road, Distt-Indore (M.P.)India

Language: English

Language Known



    Experience about  many types of project such as

    1. Kachchh Geochemical Mapping Project (KGCMP)
    2. Rapid Reserve Assessment Survey (RRAS-I)
    3. Multimineral Exploration                   (Bauxite, China clay etc.)
    4.  Rapid Reserve Assessment Survey     (RRAS-II)
    5. Lignite Exploration.

        Creation of Geopark & Geo-Monuments

    Kachchh District

    F.  Kachchh Geochemical Mapping Project                      (KGCMP)

    G.  Rapid Reserve Assessment Survey (RRAS-I)




M.Sc. from Holkar Science College, D.A.V.V., Indore University



01/2011 - /

Position: Geologist

Employer: Reputed client

Country: India

01/2008 - 01/2011

Position: Geologist

Employer: GMRDS

Country: India

01/2007 - 01/2008

Position: Geologist

Employer: Worked in Khanna drilling associates

Country: India

01/2004 - 01/2005

Position: Geologist

Employer: Saikripa Groundwater Exploration

Country: India
