
  Deshpande Vineel Padmakar

  Current Location: India

  •  Geologist
  • Profile Created Date:29 Mar 2020


Nationality : India

Residential country : india

Date of birth : 01-08-1986

Address :

Language: English

Language Known



    Work Includes:-

    1. Installation and maintenance of mud logging equipments and sensors
    2. Collection of drilled cuttings at specified lagged intervals, washing, packing & labeling.
    3. Supervising sample catcher in sample catching & packing of samples as per Client


    1. Build and maintain documentations for Clients.
    2. Monitoring the parameters and report any anomalies to the appropriate persons for action.
    3. Microscopic examination of samples, preparation of Mud log, Gas Ratio Log, Composite Log, Drilling Dynamics Log, Determination of shale density and shale factor& Determination of calcimetry.
    4. Perform regular and recurrent calibration checks of gas & other mud logging sensors.


    Work Experience:-

    1. Monitoring the well parameters and informing observed anomalies to Geologist.   
    2. I have seen following well complications, TOTAL MUD LOSS, FISHING, MILLING, SIDE TRACK, HELD UP - TIGHT PULL, CASING HELD UP and GAS KICKS.
    3. I have seen Coring operations, assisted Geologist in collecting and co-relating the cores.
    4. Observed the Production Operation, Collected gas samples in Winchester bottles and gas bags. Followed by analysis of natural gas using total hydrocarbon analyzer and gas chromatography panels.
    5. Worked on the High Pressure - High Temperature Reservoirs
    6. Good at sample description and florescence examination.
    7. Computer Skills:

    8. Computer Basics:  Microsoft word, Microsoft excel, Microsoft power point.
    9. Software’s known:  Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw.   




M.Sc. from University of Goa University



09/2011 - 08/2015

Position: Mud-logger

Employer: Reputed company

Country: Myanmar
