

  Current Location: India

  •  Program Manager
  • Profile Created Date:29 Mar 2020


•    Monitoring of Center Coordinator and Volunteer’s.
•    Develop educational strategy for street and working children.
•    Organize better health network for street and working children.
•    Organize Association building meetings for street and working children and their parents.
•    Capacity building of street children and community people and empower them.
•    Motivating Aganwadi worker for 4th Saturday meeting of adolescent girls.  
•    To educate Aganwadi for adolescent girls to teach them Family Life Education.
•    To organize Health Camps.
•    To organize co- ordination meeting with Education Department, Health and PRI.
•    To strengthen 4th Saturday meeting.
•    Survey of married adolescent to assess the message they taken in their in laws house and how much they follow the leanings after their marriage.
•    Sustainability to the program.
•    Enhancing public awareness and participation.
•    Establish linkages and networking with relevant government and non – government organization, individual experts, politically elected representative and community with focused emphasis on school and college student.
•    Develop volunteers, change agents and prompters in various target area.
•    Promoting behavioral change towards adoption of environment – friendly practices among public.
•    Creating a network of stakeholders, which shall gradually take over the activities of Clean Yamuna Manch beyond the project period?
•    Organize awareness camps to identify target group before implementing the activities for effective performance of the activity, with their involvement at different stages in order to achieve desire output.
•    In consultation with the health department and guidance from SMO and DMC identify sub – block high risk areas.
•    Identify, recruit and supervise community mobilizers (CMCs) in HRAs.
•    Provide exhaustive formal orientation and on - the job training to CMCs.
•    Assist in preparation of CMC work plan and IEC activity plan for the respective areas.
•    Support CMC’s in creating awareness and educating the community about ongoing activities for polio eradication and routine immunization.
•    Monitor effectiveness of CMC and the activities conducted by her.
•    Coordinate with MOIC to assign CMCs to assist House to House teams in areas requiring active social mobilization.
•    Ensure through MOIC / MO that routine immunization services are made available to cover the missed children.
•    Support Tehsil Task Force / Block Task Force meetings in developing and implementing Block Social Mobilization plan.
•    Develop partnership with the Block MO / HEO / Supervisors / health workers to plan and implement social mobilization / IEC activities for the polio rounds and routine immunization.
•    Motivate and mobilize panchayats, religious leaders, schools, aganwadis and other local influencers at the block level and in resistant pockets.   
•    To support district health team in delivering better newborn care services planned under Uttar Pradesh Comprehensive Child Survival Program through ASHAs
•    Based on field training, support district to operational some key activities planned under National Rural Health Mission. E.g. Village Health Nutrition Day.
•    Liaison and coordinate with district health other stakeholders for rolled out of planned activities.
•    Implement technical assistance activities as per the project plan.
•    Monitor implementation progress of technical assistance activities sharing it with district health, Integrated Child Development Scheme and other key stakeholders.
•    Share findings, field experiences and subsequently modifying implementation strategy in consultation with district health officials and other stakeholders.
•     Coordinate program implementation at district level and assist the state team in preparation of district specific work plan, reporting, training and carry out advocacy with district level functionaries.
•     Monitor implementation of project activities by the project team and work closely with the district NGO partners and district Health/ICDS/PRI officials.
•     Facilitate the development of appropriate strategies in capacity building, BCC, community mobilization, supportive supervision, quality assurance and other selected areas for government implementation.
•     Facilitate the capacity building support and materials needed to implement the strategies.
•     Develop and maintain functional relationship with district partner NGOs and government functionaries to implement child health component of NRHM.  
•    Rapid Assessment of Currently Pregnant Women and Recently delivered women to assess the work of ASHA and also to plan strategy for next year.
•    Support on two projects Sure Start and Mac Arthur.
•    Support partner NGOs in eight districts.
•    Assist to program managing implementation at the district level.
•    Team Building - Supervise field staff, build capacities and motivation of staff to ensure performance for project results.
•    Effective and focused advocacy with Health department and other stakeholders.
•    Leadership in developing and guiding the consortium, create an enabling environment.  
•    Reporting and documentation , experience sharing , data compilation /information generated by project to monitor field staff, for advocacy and to take program related decisions
•    To regularly monitor project progress and achievements and take corrective action.
•    Liaison with government and non Government official.
•    Networking and supportive supervision with partner NGO
•    Facilitate the trainings and reporting.
•     To work in a team and maintain team spirit which maintain not only with MAMTA staff,  but also partner NGOs; Undertake Monitoring/ Supportive Supervision visits and continuously mentor the PNGO staff;
•    Communication, Documentation and Reporting for the assigned sub-partners/ Blocks
•    Report writing and presentations.
Training & Workshop
•    Workshop on protection of women from domestic violence – Organized by Path (NGO)
•    Three days training on child rights – Organized by Ehsaas (NGO)
•    Juvenile Justice act Orientation Workshop
•    One day communication and documentation training - Organized by Ehsaas (NGO)
•    Three days training on Reproduction Child Health – Organized by SSK (Sarv Shiksha Kendra)
•    Two days training on Right to Information – Organized by SSK (Sarv Shiksha Kendra)
•    One day State level workshop on Female feticides
•    One day workshop of Project Launching on HIV/AIDS – Organized by Laxmi (NGO)
•    Five day capacity building workshop on Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health issues – Organized by SSK. (Sarv Shiksha Kendra)
•    District working forum meeting – Organized by Laxmi (NGO).
•    Four days Bihar visit to prepare module for quacks.
•    Workshop on National Health Assembly – II – JNA
•    One-day workshop on Role of mass awareness about proper waste management and sustainability solutions of Yamuna pollutions.
•    Awareness camp an “To aware Paitha industry regarding Yamuna pollution and sort out the problem how to manage the waste of Paitha industry”
•    Awareness camp on “To aware Leather industry regarding Yamuna pollution and sort out the problem how to manage the waste of Leather industry”.
•    One-day workshop on “Domestic Waste Management and Role of Residential Welfare Associations”.
•    Awareness camp on “How to manage Domestic waste”.
•    Two days “Technical Training on Routine Immunization.” Organized by UNICEF.
•    One day training on Growth Chart by District Program Officer (Integrated Child Development Scheme) – Organized by MAMTA – Vistaar.
•    Four days State level Master Training of Trainers on Supportive Supervision under New born care Technical Assistant. – Organized by Intra Health.
•    Three days State level Master Training of Trainers on Equity and gender & Comprehensive Child Survival Program format under New born care Technical Assistant. – Organized by Intra Health
•    Two days training on Rapid Assessment of Currently Pregnant Women and Recently delivered women to assess the work of ASHA and also to plan strategy for next year.


Nationality : India

Residential country : india

Date of birth : 01-01-1978

Address : Kailash Puri” 72, Lohar Bagh

Language: English

Language Known



         Three days training was given to coordinators of Janpriya Sansthan on Reproductive and Child Health issues in Pratapgarh.
         Five day training was given to Chirstan Children Fund’s NGO(s) partner on Reproductive and Child Health issues in Allahabad.
         One-day orientation of AWW’s TOT on trafficking related to Family Life Education – Organized by NIPCCID. (A Training Centre)
         One-day orientation of AWW on Family Life Education – Organized by ICDS (Integrated Child Development Scheme).
         One day orientation of AWW on Family Life Education – Organized by UPWCC (Uttar Pradesh Women and Child Care)
         Three days district level Training of Trainers on Supportive Supervision under New born care.
         Two days district level Training of Trainers on Equity and gender & Comprehensive Child Survival Program format under New born care.




B.Sc from Kanpur University University



11/2009 - /

Position: Program Manager

Employer: Reputed Company

Country: India

12/2007 - 11/2009

Position: Block Mobilization Coordinator

Employer: UNICEF

Country: India

03/2007 - 12/2007

Position: Assistant Program Officer

Employer: ICWC

Country: India

05/2005 - 03/2007

Position: Block Coordinator

Employer: Vatsalya

Country: India

05/2005 - 03/2007

Position: Centre Coordinator

Employer: Ehsaas

Country: India

07/2003 - 01/2004

Position: Computer Teacher

Employer: Regency Public School

Country: India
