

  Current Location: India

  •  Geologist
  • Profile Created Date:29 Mar 2020


Mudlogging Geologist & Data Engineer
•    Rig up and Rig Down procedures and Installation, operation, maintenance, calibration of Different Sensors and trouble shooting of different equipments of mud logging unit.
•    As a crew chief supervised the daily operation in mud logging unit besides conducting the online monitoring of drilling, gas and mud parameters and report any well emergencies for immediate action. Check the daily geological reports prepared by mud logger and submit to well site Geologist/Company man. Daily checks of all logs and interpretations of all well logs.

Primary well control and abnormal pressure detection:

•    Maintaining the pre – kick control data when mud or drilling parameters change.
•    Pressure evaluations and analysis of control indicators ( D’exp , Sigma , Shale factor , Shale Density ) , monitor the shutting & circulation  pressure and report to well control personals as needed .
•    Monitoring pumping data (SPM, SPP, Lag time, Lag strokes) during kick circulations and necessary operations. Identify probable cause of kick and recommending actions to prevent further occurrences and Different Formulas for Kick intensity and Mud loss Calculations.
•    Monitoring Mud (Mud vol, Mud wt., Mud Temp, Mud Cond.etc), Gas and drilling parameters (ROP, WOB, RPM, SPM, SPP, Hook load and torque etc.) for signs of imbalance of down hole. Monitoring of hole filling parameters during all trips.
•    Closely monitor drill breaks, mudflow out rate, changes in pump pressure and active pit volumes, any increase in background gas (BG) level or appearance of connection gas (CG).
•    Maintain trip sheets for hole fill up and displacements, report any discrepancy observed.
•    Plot DCS at regular interval while drilling. Draw trend and iso-density lines to estimate approaching overpressure zone. Look for a possible ‘Shadow Zone’ from temperature plot.
•    Study and Interpretation of all well logs. And describe the all lithological samples and interpretation with logs.
•    Core sample description and analization.  
•    Maintain a updated Composite plot to estimate overpressure zones.

Gas Detection:

•    Continuous separation of Hydrocarbon gases.
•    Knowledge of Both TCD & FID panels
•    Prepare Gas Ratio Plot to obtain formation producibility.
•    Maintain a plot of BG, CG C2/C3 and other gas ratio plots, Observe variation in trend.
•    Knowledge of GWD (Gas while drilling), closely observe GOC & WOC while drilling in pay zone.

•    Collection of drilled samples at specified lagged intervals.
•    Washing, sieving and drying followed by packing and labelling.
•    Microscopic examination of samples and their interpretation.
•    Determination of shale density and shale factor.
•    Determination of calcimetry
•    Handling of core samples which include recovery, orientation sampling (packing & sealing).
•    Preparation of required core logs and reports.

Geological Reports:

•    Preparing well logs and final well reports, which include Master log, Pressure (D’exp) plot, Composite Logs, Shale Density & Shale Factor Plots, Drilling parameters, Bit details, Gas analysis data, Casing & Cementation data etc.
•    Organize the well control data for interpretation and future planning.
•    Assist the drill site personals in determining mud densities required, for safe drilling
•    Report on: Mud Condition, Drilling breaks, gas and oil shows, and cutting sample description.


Nationality : India

Residential country : india

Date of birth : 15-03-1979

Address :

Language: English

Language Known



    ?    Very good to work in Windows, ArcGIS, Oracle basics, MS office, mudlogging software and Internet.

    Log plotter (Mud log and Pressure Logs), Geological Engineering Work Station (GEWS) for calculations of Hydraulics, Auto Calcimeter for Carbonate Detection.

    Course on Basic Interpretation of Well logs Gamma, SP, Resistivity, Porosity (Density, Neutron and Sonic logs).
    Basic Idea of MWD operations for Deviated Wells




M.Sc. from University



11/2007 - /

Position: Mudlogging Geologist & Data Engineer

Employer: Reputed Company


11/2004 - 11/2007

Position: Mudlogging Geologist & Data Engineer

Employer: Oil Field Instrumentation India Limited

Country: India
