

  Current Location: India

  •  Geophysicist
  • Profile Created Date:29 Mar 2020



Reservoir Geomechanics by Mark D Zoback (June 2015) – Stanford University (Online course) Basic Pore Pressure Prediction for Development – July 2012 

Pressure and overpressure in the subsurface – July 2012 Coaching for Individual Performers, Miri, May 2013 
Managing Inclusion, Miri, May 2013 

IRM for Turbidites Field trip – Almeria, Spain, Nov 2011 

Deepwater Stratigraphy course, Brunei Darussalam, May 2011 

Managing the E&P Business (EP-03) Shell Learning Centre, Rijswijk, October 2008 IRM for Deltaics Book Cliffs Field Study, Utah, USA, June 2007 

Geostatistics and Advanced Property Modelling Ashley Francis, Rijswijk, October 2006 


Chief judge for AAPG-Imperial Barrel Award competition for universities in SE Asia – April 2016 Judge for AAPG-Imperial Barrel Award competition for universities in SE Asia - March 2015 

Malaysia Book of Records – Part of the team for setting record for longest Philatelic display – May 2013 

Founder President for residential complex of 1600 flats, in Bangalore, India, with an annual maintenance budget of ~1 mln USD – April 2010 to March 2011 

Junior Research Fellow 1987-1988

Fellowship awarded by Council of Scientific and industrial Research, Govt. of India Research Topic - “Dam foundation Rock Problems – Tehri Dam”, India.

The study involved the mapping of the foundation rock types, faults and shear zones in the proposed dam construction site and carrying out geo-technical investigations on the rock samples and core plugs.

1984 – 1987    Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India
M.Sc. Tech in Applied Geology – “First Class with Distinction”

Dissertation Project – “Dam Foundation Rock Problems – Narmada Sagar Dam, Khandwa, India

1981-1984 Osmania University, Hyderabad, India B.Sc. (Hons) Geology - “First Class with Distinction”

Nationality : India

Residential country : india

Date of birth : 01-01-1970

Address : F-905, Finsbury Block, Brigade Metropolis Garudacharpalya, Whitefield Main Road Bangalore – 560048 Karnataka, India


Language Known



    Feb-2016 – Jun-2016  Senior Production Geoscientist, Shell Technology Centre Bangalore
    Shell India Markets Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India
    Study Lead for Static Model update for Hartha Reservoir of Majnoon field (Iraq)
    -    Incorporate 2015 drilling campaign results 
    -    Generate forecast and estimate water breakthrough timing 
    -    firm up well proposals for the next phase of development drilling campaign 

    Dec 2013 – Jan 2016   Project Lead & Senior Production Geologist, Sarawak Asset Development
    Team, Sarawak Shell Bhd. Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
    E6 Development project (carbonate reservoir with thin oil rim), offshore Sarawak, Malaysia
    -    Finalised well design for a 6 well drilling campaign to place 6000ft of horizontal section (for each well ) in oil leg 
    -    Analysed losses database of 300 wells of Central Luconia region to de-risk the drilling campaign – overburden Geohazards risk is ~ 5% and Carbonate geohazard risk is 21 % 
    -    Evaluated geohazards risk for E6 and proposed mitigation plans for safe delivery of wells 

    Focal point for update of Emergency Response files for Shell Malaysia projects.
    Laila drilling campaign 2014 (3 wells) - Lead Geologist for Well execution team
    -    Delivered well safely with mitigation plan in place for suspected crossflow from high pressure deeper reservoir (>7000 psi) 
    Full field review of F28 carbonate field, offshore Sarawak, Malaysia
    -    Evaluated impact of mobile and immobile oil column on gas recovery and water breakthrough timing 
    -    Evaluated scope for ramp up of gas production from the field 

    May 2011 – Nov 2013 Project Lead & Senior Production Geologist, Sarawak Shell Bhd. Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
    South Furious field, offshore Sabah, Malaysia
    -    Innovative use of seismic and geological correlation to improve subsurface understanding of complex field with 30 years of production with very low recovery 
    -    Proposed low cost field development plan with initiatives to cut wells and facilities cost by 30% and proposed new 3D seismic data acquisition to facilitate well placement 
    Bokor Enhanced Oil Recovery studies
    -    Subsurface Team lead role – managed two teams located in Miri and Bangalore 
    -    Built fit-for-purpose static model using operators model and only changing parameters having major impact on EOR process (iWAG) in the reservoir 
    -    Delivered range of incremental EOR volumes for FID decision by the management 
    -    Results from the study helped to flag high cost of production to JV partners and to revise development concept to reduce the CAPEX by USD 1 bln 
    -    Proposed a cost saving plan to reduce CAPEX by USD 400 mln by discarding 3 injector platforms in the development concept and use existing peripheral wells for water and gas injection 

    July 2006 - April 2011 Senior Production Geologist, Shell Technology Centre Bangalore Shell India Markets Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India
    Iago-Wheatstone Unitisation Project (Australia) – Deputy Team Lead role
    -    Built Shell Technical Base case model using potential levers identified by the team which gives higher shell equity entitlement 
    -    Provided range of GIIP based Shell Equity position and fall back options to the commercial team of SDA for negotiations 
    -    Shell secured 2% higher equity over the original proposed equity by the partner 
    Gorgon Reserves Reporting (Deepwater project – Australia)
    -    Lead static modeller 
    -    Integrated the work of four geologists to build PETREL models to develop Shell view of the in-place gas volumes and recovery factors for the Gorgon field 
    -    Delivered static Model with multiple stacked channel bodies using seismic attributes 
    -    Estimated the Gas in-place – Expectation & Proved case 
    -    Managed the multi-disciplinary work between SI, PP, RE & PT aspects and Continuous interaction within the team and outside contributing to the biggest Reserves Booking for Shell in the decade 

    ZeroGen CCS Project (Queensland, Australia):
    (World’s first integrated clean coal, carbon capture & storage project)
    -    Subsurface Team lead and Lead PG 
    -    Characterized saline aquifers on the down dip of the producing gas fields for CO2 sequestration - assessed storage capacity in the study area (Bowen Basin) 
    -    Identified locations for 6 low cost wells for coring programme and integrate about 3000 m of core data, ~ 500 core plug RCA data and wide spaced 2D seismic interpretation. 
    -    Provided Geological support in planning CO2 injection test (August 2009) 
    -    Injection test failed due to low injectivity in the reservoir 
    Barton FDP Project
    -    Subsurface team lead and lead PG 
    -    Built robust static model realisations integrating multi-disciplinary inputs for the selected concept 
    -    Identified targets for infill drilling / zone transfers / side tracking / water injection wells and quick wins through work-overs 
    -    Coached 8 new young geologists to develop PETREL skills for building static models 

    Oct 2005 – June 2006  Senior Manager – Geology Operations Team
    Reliance Industries Limited, Petroleum Business (E&P), Mumbai, India
    Real-time monitoring of the well site operations in new giant gas field discovered in Deep water blocks, Eastern Coast of India, Krishna Godavari Basin
    -    Managed a team of 8 operation geologists. 
    -    Successful core recovery in 4 wells in the reservoir interval (~200 m / well) 
    -    Improved the end of well report format 

    Jan 2005 – Sept 2005  Principal Geoscientist, Geopetrol International Inc., New Delhi, India
    -    Reservoir characterization of the oil fields of the company 
    -    Technical support to the work centers of the company in other countries. 
    -    Evaluation of the exploration blocks on offer by Govt. of India and prepared bid documents 
    -    Maintaining Geoscientific data, reservoir characterization of producing fields of the company & Managing Joint Venture Partners 

    Jun 2004 – Jan 2005   Mumbai High Asset, Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), India
    -    Built static model in PETREL, integrating the first 3D seismic interpretation data over the field, well data and petrophysical evaluation from over 450 wells 
    -    Delivered well designs in Petrel for horizontal and multi-lateral wells for the infill drilling campaign 
    -    Reduced structural uncertainty from over 60 mts to 5-10 mts for drilling campaign 

    Jun 1993 – May 2004  Institute of Reservoir Studies, ONGC Ahmedabad, India

    D-1 Field development studies
    Subsurface coordinator and Lead Geologist
    -    Delivered Feasibility study to develop marginal field discovered in 1975 
    -    Proposed a two phase low cost development plan ( 6 wells for each phase) 
    -    Production profile of 10000 bopd plateau for 8 year (The field is now producing 50000 bopd) 
    -    Low cost development with in-house drilling rig and jack-up production facility 

    Heera and South Heera Asset, offshore oil / gas fields, western offshore (Carbonate reservoir)
    Lead Geologist for the team

    -    Proposed and implemented 3 development campaigns with 30 wells from 4 new platform & 12 infill wells (Horizontal and multi-lateral wells) 
    -    Identified new development opportunity (Basal Clastic reservoir) between carbonate reservoir and basement through 6 wells from 2 small platforms which delivered 6000 bopd additional production from the field 
    -    Proposed several Well and reservoir management (WRFM) opportunities to sustain the production from the field 
    Small & Marginal field Development
    -    Built Static models / development plans for 25 small and marginal Oil / Gas fields of western offshore, India 
    -    Proposed use of re-locatable production platforms for a 15 year production plan to deliver 30000 bbl/d 
    Special assignments
    Evaluated North Kuwait oil fields to bid for Operating Service Contract as Consortium Partner - Visited Kuwait in 2001 & 2003

    Aug.1989 – May 1993  Eastern Region Asset, Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), India
    Well site geological operation for exploratory and developments wells

    Planned and supervised well logging operations (wireline / production logging) for exploratory /development wells & production wells
    Planned and supervised work over jobs at well site (WRFM Operations)

    July 1988 – 1989 Joined ONGC in July 1988 (Graduate Onboarding) Multi-disciplinary Basic and advanced theoretical Training

    Multi-disciplinary on the job Training in various work centers of ONGC


    1.    Identification of bypassed oil in a sector of Bombay High L-III reservoir – (Petrotech – 1997) 
    2.    Integrated approach - key to marginal field development , Case study - (IRS – 2000) 
    3.    Integrated    modeling    approach    to    evaluate    incremental    gain    from    iWAG    process- Bokor field case study, October 2012 Shell Conference, Rijswijk, The Netherlands 
    4.    Using Intergrated Modelling to Evaluate the use of iWAG – PGCE 2013, Kuala Lumpur 
    5.    De-Risking Drilling Campaign from Geohazards and Overpressured Reservoirs - A Case Study, March2016, OTCASIA2016, Kuala Lumpu 



M.Sc. from University



02/2016 - 06/2016

Position: Senior Production Geoscientist

Employer: Shell India Markets Pvt Ltd

Country: India

05/2011 - 01/2016

Position: Project Lead & Senior Production Geologist

Employer: Sarawak Shell Bh

Country: Malaysia

07/2006 - 04/2011

Position: Senior Production Geologist

Employer: Bangalore Shell India Markets Pvt Ltd

Country: India
