

  Current Location: India

  •  Geologist
  • Profile Created Date:29 Mar 2020


Nationality : India

Residential country : india

Date of birth : 11-03-1984

Address : Geologist, GSPCBhavan, Behind Udyog Bhavan Sector-11, -382011,Gujarat (India)

Language: English

Language Known


    SOFTWARE SKILLS:  Worked on “Petrel” software and able in seismic and well data import, well correlation, fence diagram, make horizon, zonation, layering, surface map; fault picking, fault modeling, pillar gridding; geometrical, facies and petrophysical modeling; make contact, volume correlation, and plotting.  Worked on “Log plot 7’’ and able to make and quality check of mud log, gas ratio log, drilling dynamics, and pressure logs at wellsite.  Worked on “Surfer, coral draw’’ software.  Know “C’’ programming language. WELLSITE SKILLS:  Excellent exposure as wellsite geologist in onshore as well as offshore wells (at very high temperature, >400ο F and high Pressure >12000psi environments) in Cambay and KG Basin of India.  Well versed in sample description, coring and core description, and mud-logging instrumentation, shale density estimation, pressure prediction.  Able to control high P and T well by interpretation of drilling and well logs data.  Able to interpret basic logs as well as some advance logs such as CMR, MDT, ECS, sonic and FMI. Able in well correlation, environment interpretation, petrophysical calculation, and perforation interval determination.  Capable of rapid correlation with nearby wells and mid-course correction in case of deviating from GTO.  Experience to work in vertical and directional exploratory, appraisal and development type of well.  Knowledge of drilling rig, its equipment and drilling operation sequences.  Worked in well correlation in testing, testing equipment and techniques and quick interpretation of conventional testing results.  Able to take decision for well deepening/termination and casing policy and well completions.



M.Tech. from Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad University



/2008 - /0000

Position: Geologist

Employer: Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Limited

